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If Spain were a Republic Felipe Vl would win the elections

Who writes this article does not intend to defend the Monarchy.

I am not from the right party and less from the left party. I was born a liberal and I will die a liberal.

The human being is free to think and give opinions without being catalogued.

Liberalism was born in the 19th century and was a philosophical, political and economic current that promoted the freedom of human beings, their political and legal equality and the search for the material progress of peoples.

Soon the citizens will embrace liberalism again and the political parties will have to restructure themselves entirely or they will disappear from the map.

With these simple words I wish to reaffirm that I am and will continue to be a defender of equal opportunities and individual freedom.

It doesn't matter if you are born into a rich or poor family. The Spanish State has to guarantee each individual the same opportunities. Once you have them, then it will be the same person who finally decides on your future.

Returning to the figure of Felipe Vl, he probably won't remember me but we met many years ago at the Bull McCabes Irish Bar on Calle Cádiz in Zaragoza, he was accompanied by friends and some security guards.

I was able to exchange few words with him, but enough for him to give me a good impression.

I hardly ever make a mistake when I meet a person and a few seconds are enough for me to know exactly who I have in front of me.

The King, at that time he was Prince of Asturias, was attending the San Gregorio Zaragoza military academy.

I was an Erasmus student at the Faculty of Economics and Business (Gran Vía - Zaragoza) and I organized the Thursday Night Erasmus Parties first in this Irish tavern and then in another place called "La casa del Loco" owned at the time by my great friend Kike Puertolas .

Years passed, I finished my degree and did a doctorate in Economic Geography (in Chile).

Then I began to travel the world creating and expanding what would later become my great companies (it was the time of Google and I remember talking to its creators when they were still taking their first steps with programming. They guided me to use Google Adwords, through which for only 20 euros a month I made my business known in more than 100 countries around the world and

Prince Felipe developed his academic and professional training as well as broadened his horizons by traveling the world and taking an interest in many national and international social and economic matters.

In 2004 he married the journalist Leticia Ortiz and in 2014 he was proclaimed King of Spain.

Personally, Felipe and Leticia make a great couple and I'm not just referring to the fact that they look aesthetically beautiful together, but also to the marriage of intellectual beauty that they form.

I am sure that it was very difficult for Leticia Ortiz to change her way of acting and her energetic character (brilliant minds are like that) to adapt to a title of Queen where many linguistic freedoms and "modus operandi" had no place.

Since 2014 I have been attracted by Spanish politics and since then I have been aware of its changes and events every day.

With the passing of the years, I saw the deputies and senators less and less prepared, as well as their party leaders. People without a working life, without professional experience as if the teachings of Socrates, Aristotle and Plato had not existed.

Politics ceased to be the prize reserved for those who dedicated their lives to work to become the refuge of fools.

I am 48 years old and a quarter of a century of professional career that supports me and today those who are representing us in the General Courts are mostly nullities.

People without a path or a history, career politicians or looking for lives.

Going back to Felipe VI and Leticia Ortiz, I think they suffer daily from their "limitations" as King and Queen of Spain.

By limitations I mean that neither Leticia nor Felipe can freely comment on those who govern us.

They cannot feel free to give their opinion on any social, economic and political aspect of our country.

And I'm sure they have a lot to say about it.

The only thing they can do is attend official acts representing the Spanish Crown. Or go to other events or places of a social nature thus offering their presence and affection.

I believe that both Monarchs suffer from these limitations and if Spain were finally to become a Republic, we would have a Felipe VI and a Letizia Ortiz free to express themselves, free to "embrace" the Spanish people, free to be able to propose their ideas for change and to be able to give their opinion. about political parties, about the infrastructure of the Spanish Government, about its optimization, etc etc.

And without daring too much, I am more than sure that the first thing Felipe Vl would do if he became President of the Government would be to order an external audit that tracks from top to bottom all the profit and loss accounts of the governments of Spain during the last 20 years. (That is the first thing I would do as an Economist if I were to govern).

It is almost impossible to understand that of the 24,000 million euro that are collected each year in taxes on hydrocarbons, only 1,000 million are allocated to roads.

And where does the rest of the money go?

Spain collects enough money in direct taxes (personal income tax and fees) and indirect taxes (21% VAT).

Our national economy (GDP) could grow at a gigantic rate, leading Europe and embracing Latin America.

That does not happen because in the profit and loss accounts of our Government there are multiple holes that bleed us all dry.

The money is poorly managed and there are probably an infinity of expenses and jobs that are difficult to remove because of parasitic patronage as if it were a tick.

As a Liberal and as a Spanish citizen (I have renounced my Italian nationality after 25 years to officially be a Spanish citizen in the Country I love and where I want to live) I hope that the Republic of Spain will soon be proclaimed so that Felipe and Leticia are finally free from express themselves and act as they see fit.

I conclude my writing with nostalgia and the desire to return to live in a free and fair Spain where the well-being of citizens is once again the center of attention for those who govern us.

From Mijas with passion we will begin the change in the municipal elections of 2023.

Marco Musuméci

President of the Citizen Movement #SoydeMijas

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